Sep 22, 2008

Gradual grey

+we conquered\
x+this vessel wanders no more, for->
+we conquered/

Sep 20, 2008

Zeta-shaped rapier rip

behold the avenger and his chimera sidekick
will he stay loyal to the queen within?
the grail is oh so holy
yet creation, so miraculously corrupt
prodigious residents, momentous dilemmas
has it not always been the way of the crown?

Sep 16, 2008

Big bang

just imagine what would happen
the day this flame would lastly fade
the day the concrete walls would scatter
just picture this splatter, grey matter grenade

Cool spot

could be ketchup, could be stew
could be fungi, if it grew
could be chocolate, wine or tea
could be you, the spot on me

(but it's actually a ruff piece of randomly fabricated self awareness)

Sep 10, 2008

Δέκα μικροί αφρικανοί (ή "ελληνιστικής κοινής αποδόμησις")

the signs were clear, their doom was near, they all should run away from here
the signs were here, their doom was clear, they all should run away from near


Sep 9, 2008

Yeah, mate

and we all spin and turn and head
towards the galactic goalpost

Sep 8, 2008


what is the point of acting?

a wisely used contradiction,
could go as follows:
"under the glare of the great lights,
lies an even greater shadow"

originality is not an issue here

Sep 7, 2008


while many people believe
that lemmings commit mass suicide
when they migrate,
this is not the case

driven by strong biological urges,
they will migrate in large groups
when population density
becomes too great

lemmings can and do swim
and may choose to cross
a body of water
in search of a new habitat

on occasion,
large migrating groups
will reach a cliff
overlooking the ocean

they will stop
until the urge to press on
causes them to jump off the cliff
and start swimming

-sometimes to exhaustion and death,
seeking the food and shelter
that their natural habitat
cannot provide


Sep 6, 2008

Loftskip (airship)

blóm andlegur, sól faðir
regn stúlka, sorglegur naðir
ferð sær og kúla flug
grænn, fjólublá, blár draumur

(sacred flower, father sun
raincoat mistress, joyous pun
ocean journey, bally flight
green, blue, purple might of sight)


Sep 5, 2008

Family tree

this is the fall of eden
and while the gates are open
the fall will halt no more

Sep 4, 2008

Wiring bias

this is our destiny too, mr. morisson

Sep 3, 2008


and suddenly
the hills
like mattresses
and like
it was like
unguilty xylocaine
-the touch of mother goose

Sep 2, 2008

Zebra ponderer

you unattractive captain fuck
skull fuck, shit stain smacktard slut
dickless cock sucking basturd

dickheaded semen pucking fagit
herpes covered biscuit magot
soapy tit bat fastard wank

stick a turtle up your chuff
stick a turtle up your chuff


Sep 1, 2008

Tote natur (dead nature) (νεκρή φύση)

das ist eine
flasche wein
der heilige geist
flottiert herein

(this is a bottle of wine, the holy ghost is floating in there)

(αυτή είναι μια μποτίλια αγιασμός)

A story of an exodus

Sam possesses the heart of the universe,
but does it really matter?